Columbia University uses New York Police Department
to attack Free Speech!

The content of this website has mostly been removed.
It has been made part of book below, published December 2022:
Book - Toppling Relativity: My Struggle With the Church of Physics and Other Evaders of Truth.
Available at Amazon. See Chapter Excerpts at

The book now has the whole story, and the website is not needed.
However, this website hosts some of the original documents relating to arrest matter, and these are left here.

The below two chapters are associated with the content that was here.

Chapter 12. Secret Firing of Head of Columbia College and Related Document Destruction

Chapter 13. My Police Arrest for Sending Email, the Growing Assaults on Free Speech at American
Universities and the Negative Role of Administrators

Below are the two emails that landed me in jail, along with other details of arrest.

1. Email stating truths about former Columbia College Dean and Head, Robert Pollack, now a Professor at Columbia University.

2. Email stating truths about former Columbia College Associate Dean of Student Affairs Karen Blank. This is the text document attached with the email (this text is as sent — original included truncation mentioned at end).

Background of below emails: Years ago, I left Columbia after a dispute with the administration which got Pollack (Dean of Columbia College & Head of Columbia College) fired. Later, on my suggesting an intention to seek legal recourse, Blank (then a dean) carried out a massive document destruction.

Starting summer 2002 I had renewed contact with Columbia administration regarding various matters. On January 2, 2004 I sent the emails.

On January 13, 2004 New York Police Department (NYPD) Detective John Garvey came to my apartment and arrested me for sending the emails.

The emails were about Pollack and Blank and were sent to others but not to these two themselves. The facts mentioned in the emails refer to actions by Pollack and Blank when they were administrators at Columbia College. Some news stories seem to imply some dispute with faculty while I was attending Columbia; my disputes were solely with administrators.

In light of the arrest to curb free speech I got the domain; “cu” in the name stands for “Columbia University.”

These are the Charges filed against me

These are the Orders of Protection granted to four individuals: Pollack, Blank, Prywes, Feiekman.

The Bollinger-Lehecka connection
(see above book for background details)

President Bollinger was sent (on October 11, 2003) one phone conversation transcript documenting Dean Lehecka’s continued misbehavior, and thus further exposing his irregular and irrational character, sent to Bollinger. See details – Phone Call to Columbia College.

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